
Public Protection Classification

We have recently learned that in the Fall of 2016, Insurance Service Office, Inc. (ISO) surveyed Grand Fire Protection District and awarded a “split” Public Protection Classification (PPC) to the District. Those properties that are within 5 miles of a GFPD station and within 1,000 feet of a fire hydrant are rated as Class 3. Those properties that are within 5 miles of a GFPD station (or an adjoining, automatic aid fire station) but are more than 1,000 feet from a fire hydrant are rated as Class 5. If a property is located between 5 and 7 miles of a fire station and is within 1000 feet of a fire hydrant, it receives a Class 10W rating. If none of these applies, then the property is considered a Class 10.

The Class 5 and Class 3 ratings are a reduction from our current Class 6 and Class 4 ratings. The rating reductions have the potential of reducing property insurance premiums – be sure to check with your agent at renewal time.