Snow Removal

Rules & regulations

This is a reminder that during the winter snow plowing season, the following County and State laws apply to all of the roads in Winter Park Highlands:


1. It is illegal to park on roads on a snow routes including WPHA Commons cul-de-sac GCR 8564, which is a County Road.


2. It is against state law to leave snow piles on roads. This has become a problem in the Highlands where some people clear their driveway and leave snow piles on roads after county plows have come through. It may be days before plows come through again to clear the roads.


All residents are strongly urged to heed these regulations for the safety and convenience of everyone. There have been some problems recently, including parking at WPHA Commons, that have hampered County snow plow operations.

Driveway snow removal

The CDOT flyer on snow removal can be found here.

Snowplowing services

This is a list of snowplowing services that we are aware of that will come up to the Highlands (updated November 2023).  If you want to get service, you should call them as rates and service locations could vary. If you find others, please let our webmaster know and he will add them to this list.

Wayne Thurston

(970) 531-2770

Cody Griffith

Western Earthworks 

(970) 531-9638

Pete’s Plowing Ltd.

Peter J. Volk

(970) 531-0369

Golden Eagle Snow Removal LLC 

PO Box 249, Winter Park CO 80482

Office (970) 726-9464

Office (970) 726-1104

Mobile (970) 531-4231

Matt Bailey 

Alpine Landscaping

(970) 887-9445

Kate Wright

(970) 531-6172